
 Dating has been a significant ideal in my life. Not that I have been on a lot of course, but the concept of it is really important. But why dating? Dating has so much more to it than just going out with someone and spending time. That is a big part of it but it's more complicated than that.

A date should be planned. You should know exactly what you are going to do and possibly have a backup plan if something doesn't work out there. Hangouts are often on the whim. You meet up somewhere and plan what you are going to do afterwards. It is good to plan ahead for a date so that you can inform your date what they should be expecting. If it is a surprise, at least let them know what to bring or wear for the occasion. You don't want your date to show up for a hike in formal wear. That would be no fun for you nor the date. Communication is key for a good date experience. 

A date is also something that is often paid for. It doesn't have to be much, but there should be some money put into it. A hangout can often be paid for, but it is also be a meet up where you just talk. The date doesn't have to be at a fancy restaurant, amusement park, or anything big and pricey like that. It can be as simple as an ice cream date, a small picnic in the park, or a hike. I have found the cheaper dates are much more enjoyable than the ones that cost a lot of money. 

Dates should also involve you and your date being paired off. You can go on dates along with other couples, as long as you know who your date is. Be sure to give them your attention when the others aren't specifically talking to one of you. That's just good manners. Your date will be rather uncomfortable with "third wheeling" their own date. I speak from experience too. I was going to prom with a boy who had asked me out my sophomore year of high school. I sat in silence the entire dinner as he talked to his friends, who had also joined us. It was an expensive restaurant too, which heightened the level of uneasiness. The dance experience wasn't any better. He found a girl who, apparently, he had wanted to ask but couldn't as she was already asked to prom. He ignored me the entire time as he talked to her and his friends. I had nowhere better to be, so I came along with him and his friends as they walked around the venue. That is a situation that you need to avoid on a date. It is extremely awkward and uncomfortable.

Dating also prepares you for a future family. You get to meet people who could become your future companion. You get to find out what you do or do not like in a partner. However, people have been skipping the dating process and going right to cohabitating with a "fling" of sorts. 

Dating is important to do first because you get to start learning about each other and find things you have in common. If all goes well, the next phase should be "courtship". This is where you are officially partners. You continue to learn about each other here. You have now been each other for some time, shared experiences and, hopefully, have talked with each other on a regular and comfortable basis. After a certain amount of time, it may come time for engagement, where you two are both ready to fully commit to each other. This then leads into marriage. You are always learning about the other even after years of marriage.

As a single parent, it may be hard to get back into the dating scene. That is totally understandable. But, you may be missing out on a wonderful opportunity and you may even be lucky enough to obtain a new partner who is willing to stick by your side as long as they are able. There are lots of possible outcomes. You just have to be willing to witness them.


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