Parental guidance

This week, I read a lot about family life. A study has been done seeing what the most intact types of families are. They studied families with heterosexual parents, homosexual parents, divorced and remarried parents, and single parents. There was a fair number of flaws in this study, but they had gathered the general idea for the results.

They found families with both a male and a female parent tended to be the most intact family type. This resulted in happier children. These children received better education, had lower rates of depression, lower rates of suicide, and a lower chance of obtaining a criminal record. All of this is not to say that it is the best family type. These numbers were taken from a small sample of people. If the sample had been bigger, the data may be different. 

A single parent home may be a safe place for children, but they may reach a time where they may seek for another role model in their life. If it is a single mother home, the child may search for someone who could be a father figure to them. The same applies to those in a single father home, but they search for a mother figure. Having both a male and female in the household would teach children important lessons that they may not learn with just a father or mother. There are certain skills that each parent can teach their child better than the other. 

I have a friend who has grown up with just her mother in her life. She had never known her father in all her 20 years of her life. She has done super well as a person. She and her mother are the strongest people I know, and they have helped each other through thick and thin on multiple occasions. Sure, they have arguments sometimes but what family doesn't? I have found a family that argues on occasion tends to be more connected and have a better relationship with each other in the long run. A family who hides their anger from one another can be toxic and lead to more problems in the future. I am not saying that you should fight with your family though. Just a talk about things that they do that may bother you can be a huge step towards a stronger bond. Communication is key in a family. Even in the small ones.


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